I've learned a TON about so many amazing charitable organizations, but today's is really my favorite for several reasons.
Years ago, I read Muhammad Yunus' Banker to the Poor (which, if you have not yet read, I whole-heartedly suggest) and developed a soft spot for Microcredit. So much so that I even took a class about it during my last quarter of business school.
In a nutshell: Microcredit = providing small loans (microloans, usually under $750) to those in poverty who lack collateral and a verifiable credit history and therefore would not be extended traditional credit. These loans are designed to spur entrepreneurship, and are repaid on a very short time-frame (usually less than 20 weeks.) If you're interested in learning more, here is a good intro from Wikipedia. Maybe it's just me, but despite it's flaws, I find the field of Microfinance fascinating.
Which brings me to today's charitable act. Meet Miraluna:

Miraluna sells bananas in her own small store in the Phillipines, as well as working a farm.
She needs additional capital ($150) to supplement her businesses. The loan will be used to buy additional merchandise to sell in her store and will also help her grow more and better crops. Miraluna has three children. Ranging from 1 - 14 years old.
This loan was Miraluna's Christmas wish, and I just kick started it with a $50 donation.
I haven't really asked for many donations throughout the course of this month, because I'm pulling out all the stops now: In case anyone is still reading, please, won't you help me fund the remaining $100 of Miraluna's loan?
If 4 readers can donate just $25 each, we can get her the loan she needs to improve and expand her business. I think it would be AMAZING for run betty run readers to fund an entire microloan - don't you? (Not to mention - this is truly the gift that keeps on giving - once your original donation is repaid by Miraluna, you can pass the amount of the loan onto another candidate.)
Please head here to donate.